News Archive
Keep up to date with all my latest blogs, news, and publications
Past Blogs
Past Blogs
New book chapter in “Decentralized Payment Systems: Principles and Design“.
New paper:
New paper to be presented at AISTATS 2019:
paper: Lagrange Coded Computing: Optimal Design for Resiliency, Security and Privacy
overview slides are also available here.
Promoted to Full Professor!
New paper:
Two papers accepted to NIPS 2018:
Technology News Article on Coded Computing for the Edge!
NSF funds our project on Coded Computing for Large-scale Machine Learning!
ARO funds our project on Coded Computing for Edge Networks!
New papers:
Congratulations to Qian Yu for receiving a 2018 Google PhD Fellowship in Machine Learning! See also the news article!
Congratulations to Songze Li for defending his PhD thesis!
New papers at ISIT 2018:
New presentation:
New papers:
DARPA awards our project on Coded Dispersed Computing, a $8.3M research project focusing on efficient architecture design for dispersed computing in large-scale heterogeneous networks.
Press release on “Turning Data into Power”!
Received the best paper award at the 2017 Globecom conference for our paper on “coded computing in heterogeneous networks”!
Invited talk on “Communication-Aware Scheduling for Dispersed Computing” at the Workshop on Resource Slicing for Future Clouds and Networks at INFOCOM’18.
Northrop Grumman funds our project on “Distributed Encoded Optimization for Cybersecurity Data Analytics”.
Our work on “Coded Computing” is a finalist of Bell Labs Prize!
New papers:
Coded Fourier Transform, invited paper at Allerton 2017.
Architectures for Coded Mobile Edge Computing, to be presented at Fog World Congress.
Communication-Optimal Coding Designs for Caching Networks, invited paper at ITW 2017.
New paper to appear in NIPS 2017:
Polynomial Codes: an Optimal Design for High-Dimensional Coded Matrix Multiplication.
Coded Terasort is now available on GitHub using this link.
Congratulations to Qian Yu for receiving the Jack Keil Wolf Student Paper Award at ISIT 2017, for our paper titled “The Exact Rate-Memory Tradeoff for Caching with Uncoded Prefetching”!
Press release on “Turning Data into Power”!
Ilan Shomorony will be joining University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign as an Assistant Professor. Congratulations Ilan!
Alireza Vahid will be joining University of Colorado Denver as an Assistant Professor. Congratulations Alireza!
New paper:
New paper:
There is currently a postdoctoral scholar position available in my group, at the cross section of information theory, distributed computing, and data analytics. You can apply by sending your CV, along with the names of two references, to avestimehr at ee.usc.edu.
Congratulations to Qian Yu for being a finalist of student paper awards at ISIT 2017, for our paper titled “The Exact Rate-Memory Tradeoff for Caching with Uncoded Prefetching”!
New papers to appear in ISIT 2017
Communication-Aware Computing for Edge Processing, S. Li, M. A. Maddah-Ali and A. S. Avestimehr.
Coded Computation over Heterogeneous Clusters, A. Reisizadehmobarakeh, S. Prakash, R. Pedarsani, and A.S. Avestimehr.
The Exact Rate-Memory Tradeoff for Caching with Uncoded Prefetching, Q. Yu, M. Maddah-Ali, and S. Avestimehr.
Characterizing the Rate-Memory Tradeoff in Cache Networks within a Factor of 2, Q. Yu, M. Maddah-Ali, and S. Avestimehr.
On the Optimality of Separation between Caching and Delivery in General Cache Networks, N. Naderializadeh, M. A. Maddah-Ali and A. S. Avestimehr.
Capacity Region of the Symmetric K-User Deterministic Interference Channel, M. Kiamari and S. Avestimehr.
NSF funds our project on “Foundations of Coding for Modern Distributed Computing”!
Invited presentation at Information Theory and Applications Workshop:
New papers:
Coding for Distributed Fog Computing, S. Li, M. A. Maddah-Ali and A. S. Avestimehr, to appear in IEEE Communications Magazine issue for Fog Computing and Networking, April 2017.
Coded Terasort, S. Li, S. Supittayapornpong, M. A. Maddah-Ali and A. S. Avestimehr, accepted to the 2017 International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing for Large Scale Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics
A Scalable Framework for Wireless Distributed Computing, S. Li, Q. Yu, M. Maddah-Ali, and A. S. Avestimehr, to appear in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.
Coded Computation over Heterogeneous Clusters, A. Reisizadehmobarakeh, S. Prakash, R. Pedarsani, and A.S. Avestimehr, arxiv preprint.
On the Optimality of Separation between Caching and Delivery in General Cache Networks, N. Naderializadeh, M. A. Maddah-Ali and A. S. Avestimehr, arxiv preprint.
Congratulations to Songze Li and Qian Yu for being finalists of 2017 Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship!
National Security Agency (NSA) funds our research on wireless edge distributed computing!
New invited papers/presentations:
Coded Distributed Computing: Fundamental Limits and Practical Challenges, S. Li, M. A. Maddah-Ali and A. S. Avestimehr, 2016 Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers. Slides of the presentation.
Coded Distributed Computing: Straggling Servers and Multistage Dataflows, S. Li, M. A. Maddah-Ali and A. S. Avestimehr, 2016 Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing.
Organizing an invited session on “Communication and Information Theoretic Aspects of Big Data Infrastructure” at 2017 Communication Theory Workshop (CTW).
New papers:
A Scalable Framework for Wireless Distributed Computing, S. Li, Q. Yu, M. Maddah-Ali, and A. S. Avestimehr (to be presented at IEEE GLOBECOM 2016 and The First IEEE/ACM Symposium on Edge Computing 2016)
A Unified Coding Framework for Distributed Computing with Straggling Servers, S. Li, M. Maddah-Ali, and A. S. Avestimehr (to be presented at IEEE NetCod 2016).
The Exact Rate-Memory Tradeoff for Caching with Uncoded Prefetching, Q. Yu, M. Maddah-Ali, and S. Avestimehr, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.
Intel Corporation has funded our research on Coded Distributed Computing!
Organizing an invited session on “Communication and Coding in Distributed Computing” in 2016 Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers.
New papers:
A Fundamental Tradeoff between Computation and Communication in Distributed Computing, S. Li, M. Maddah-Ali, Q. Yu, and A. S. Avestimehr (shorter version to appear in ISIT 2016).
Fundamental Limits of Cache-Aided Interference Management, N. Naderializadeh, M. Maddah-Ali, and A. S. Avestimehr (shorter version to appear in ISIT 2016).
Congratulations to Navid Naderializadeh for being a finalist of Nokia Bell Labs Shannon Centennial Student Competition!
Recent talk at Institute Henri Poincaré (IHP) on the tradeoff between computation and communication in distributed computing: Youtube Video of the Talk
New paper at ICASSP 2016:
Active Learning on Weighted Graphs Using Adaptive and Non-Adaptive Approaches, E. En Gad, A. Gadde, A. S. Avestimehr, and A. Ortega, ICASSP 2016.
New paper posted on arXiv:
Slides on invited talk on Coded MapReduce at Allerton conference
Congratulations to Navid Naderializadeh for becoming a 2015 MHI PHD Scholar!
Published a monograph:
S. Avestimehr, S. Diggavi, C. Tian and D. Tse, "An Approximation Approach to Network Information Theory," Foundations and Trends® in Communications and Information Theory, vol. 12, no. 1-2, pp. 1‐183, 2015. doi: 10.1561/0100000042.
Received a 2015 Okawa Foundation Research Award.
Our paper, Blind Index Coding, is selected for semi-plenary presentation at the 2015 International Symposium on Information Theory.
Welcome Eyal En Gad as a postdoc in our group!
Aly El Gamal from our group will be joining the EE Department of Purdue University as an Assistant Professor. Congratulations!
New papers to be presented at ISIT 2015:
New papers to be presented at ICASSP 2015 and ICC 2015:
Asymptotic Justification of Band-Limited Interpolation of Graph Signals for Semi-Supervised Learning, by A. Anis, A. El Gamal, A. S. Avestimehr, A. Ortega, to be presented in ICASSP 2015.
Three-User MISO Broadcast Channel: How Much Can CSIT Heterogeneity Help?, by S. Lashgari, R. Tandon, and A. S. Avestimehr, to be presented in ICC 2015.
Topological Interference Management with just Retransmission: What are the "Best" Topologies?, by N. Naderializadeh, A. El Gamal, and A. S. Avestimehr, to be presented in ICC 2015.
Blind Index Coding over Wireless Channels: The Value of Repetition Coding, by D. Kao, M. Maddah-Ali, and A. S. Avestimehr, to be presented in ICC 2015.
(2/6/2015) New talk at ITA 2014
Label Complexity of Graph-Based Semi-Supervised Learning. (Slides in pdf)
(2/5/2015) New paper posted on arXiv:
(2/4/2015) Congratulations to Alireza Vahid for winning the 2015 ECE Outstanding Thesis Research Award at Cornell!
(1/15/2015) Published a monograph:
I. Shomorony and S. Avestimehr, "Multihop Wireless Networks: A Unified Approach to Relaying and Interference Management," Foundations and Trends in Networking, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 149‐280, Dec. 2014. doi: 10.1561/1300000044.
(11/15/2014) New paper posted on arXiv:
(10/1/2014) New papers presented at Allerton 2014:
How to Utilize Caching to Improve Spectral Efficiency in Device-To-Device Wireless Networks
Transmitter Cooperation in Interference Channel with Delayed CSIT
(8/15/2014) Intel Corporation has awarded research funding to our group for fifth generation (5G) cellular development, focusing on “Spectrum Sharing in Device-to-Device Communication Networks”.
(8/15/2014) Two papers to appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (Capacity Results for Binary Fading Interference Channels with Delayed CSIT and On Min-Cut Algorithms for Half-Duplex Relay Networks).
(6/1/2014) Welcome Aly El Gamal as a postdoc in our group!
(6/1/2014) Congratulations to Ilan Shomorony and Alireza Vahid for successfully defending their PhD thesis! Ilan has received a postdoctoral fellowship from the Simons Institute for Theory of Computing at Berkeley, followed by a joint postdoctoral appointment at Stanford/Berkeley. Alireza will also join Duke University for a postdoctoral appointment.
(4/15/2014) Six papers accepted to ISIT 2014. For more information see publications.
(4/1/2014) Our work on ITLinQ was presented at DySPAN 2014 and will be presented at ISIT 2014.
(2/1/2014) New talk at ITA 2014:
ITLinQ: A New Approach for Spectrum Sharing in Device-to-Device Communication Systems. (Slides in pdf) (paper)
(12/5/2013) New papers:
ITLinQ: A New Approach for Spectrum Sharing in Device-to-Device Communication Systems, preprint on arXiv.
Communication Through Collisions: Opportunistic Utilization of Past Receptions, to appear in INFOCOM 2014, preprint on arXiv.
(11/3/2013) New papers to appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory:
(10/5/2013) New invited talk at the 2013 Allerton Conference:
(10/1/2013) Three papers from our group will appear in Allerton 2013. For more information see publications.
(9/1/2013) New papers:
Linear Degrees of Freedom of the X-Channel with Delayed CSIT, submitted to IEEE Transactions on information Theory.
Two-Hop Interference Channels: Impact of Linear Schemes, submitted to IEEE Transactions on information Theory.
(6/26/2013) Delivered an invited talk at the 2013 Communication Theory Workshop. (slides in pdf)
(5/15/2013) Received the Communications Society and Information Theory Society Joint Paper Award.
(5/10/2013) New paper:
On the Optimality of Treating Interference as Noise, submitted to IEEE Transactions on information Theory.
(4/12/2013) Ilan and Alireza have received the 2013 Qualcomm Innovation Award for their work on “collaborative interference management”. Congratulations!
(4/12/2013) New papers from our group to appear in ISIT 2013:
Two-Hop Interference Channels: Impact of Linear Time-Varying Schemes, preprint.
Impact of Topology on Interference Networks with No CSIT, longer version on Arxiv (submitted to IEEE Transactions on information Theory).
Network Compression: Worst-Case Analysis, longer version on Arxiv (submitted to IEEE Transactions on information Theory).
On Degrees of Freedom Scaling in Layered Interference Networks with Delayed CSI, longer version on Arxiv (submitted to IEEE Transactions on information Theory).
On Efficient Min-Cut Approximations in Half-Duplex Relay Networks, preprint of longer version(submitted to IEEE Transactions on information Theory).
(4/1/2013) New papers:
Capacity Results for Binary Fading Interference Channels with Delayed CSIT, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. Arxiv preprint.
Degrees of Freedom of Two-Hop Wireless Networks: “Everyone Gets the Entire Cake”, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. Slides.
Worst-Case Additive Noise in Wireless Networks, accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on information Theory, Arxiv preprint. Slides.
(12/15/2012) Office of Naval Research (ONR) funds our research on “Dynamics of Wireless Network Information Flow”.
(12/14/2012) Ilan and Alireza are finalists of 2013 Qualcomm Innovation Award for their work on “collaborative interference management”.
(10/1/2012) Invited paper at the 2012 Allerton Conference:
(10/1/2012) Received the 2012 Michael Tien ’72 Excellence in Teaching Award, the highest award for teaching in the College of Engineering of Cornell.
(9/1/2012) NSF funds our project for the “Enhancing Access to the Radio Spectrum (EARS)” program.
(9/1/2012) New invited papers for ITW 2012:
(8/1/2012) Talk on “Multi-Hop Multi-Flow Wireless Networks” at the Network Science Workshop.
(8/1/2012) NSF funds our research on “Information Architectures for Femto Networks”.
(8/1/2012) New paper:
(7/1/2012) Co-Organizing the Workshop on Interference Networks (WINe), right before ISIT 2012.
(6/1/2012) Co-Organizing the 2012 North American School of Information Theory at Cornell!
(6/1/2012) New papers to be presented at ISIT 2012:
“Is Gaussian Noise the Worst-Case Additive Noise in Wireless Networks?”, International Symposium on Information theory (ISIT) 2012. Long version. Slides.
“Bounds on the Minimum Energy-Per-Bit for Bursty Traffic in Diamond Networks”, International Symposium on Information theory (ISIT) 2012. Long version. Slides.
“Binary Fading Interference Channel with Delayed Feedback”, International Symposium on Information theory (ISIT) 2012.
“Approximating the Timely Throughput of Heterogeneous Wireless Networks”, International Symposium on Information theory (ISIT) 2012. Long version.
(4/1/2012) NSF funds our research on “Multihop Multiflow Wireless Networks”.
(3/1/2012) Qualcomm provides gift award to support our research on interference networks.
(3/1/2012) Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology funds our project on wireless network information theory.
(2/13/2012) New paper:
Worst-Case Additive Noise in Wireless Networks, accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on information Theory, Arxiv preprint. Slides.
(1/30/2012) Co-organizing the 2012 North American School of Information Theory at Cornell!
(1/30/2012) New paper:
Two-Unicast Wireless Networks: Characterizing the Degrees-of-Freedom, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.
(1/25/2012) New paper:
Timely Throughput of Heterogeneous Wireless Networks: Fundamental Limits and Algorithms, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.
(11/11/2011) New paper uploaded: “Improving the Thresholds of Sparse Recovery: An Analysis of a Two-Step Reweighted Basis Pursuit Algorithm”, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.
(9/26/2011) Received the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), “the highest honor bestowed by the United States government on science and engineering professionals in the early stages of their independent research careers”. Photos.
(9/26/2011) Ilan Shomorony’s paper (Sum Degrees-of-Freedom of Two-Unicast Wireless Networks) is a finalist of best student paper award at the International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). Long version. Slides.
(9/26/2011) Two papers will appear in Allerton 2011 (“Interference Channel with Binary Fading: Effect of Delayed Network State Information” and “Maximal Clique Scheduling for Interference Networks with Local View”).
(5/9/2011) Two papers will appear in ISIT 2011 (“Sum Degrees-of-Freedom of Two-Unicast Wireless Networks” and “On the Sum-Capacity with Successive Decoding in Interference Channels”).
(3/29/2011) New papers uploaded:
Interference Channels with Rate-Limited Feedback, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.
On the Sum-Capacity with Successive Decoding in Interference Channels, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.
On Achieving Local View Capacity Via Maximal Independent Graph Scheduling, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Special Issue on Interference Networks.
Network error correction with unequal link capacities: upper bounds and capacities, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Special Issue on Facets of Coding Theory: From Algorithms to Networks.
Cross-layer Optimization for Wireless Networks with Deterministic Channel Models, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.
Analyzing Weighted $\ell_1$ Minimization for Sparse Recovery with Nonuniform Sparse Models, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.
(11/4/2010) Received the US Air Force: Young Investigator Program Award!
(11/1/2010) Our team is funded by Intel/Cisco/Verizon for research on Video-Aware Wireless Networks! Intel press release and Video on youtube.
(2/1/2010) Received the NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award!
Guest editor for Special Issue of the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory on Interference Networks. Submit papers!
We have opened a new lab named Foundations of Information Engineering (FoIE). Visit us!
Received the David J. Sakrison Memorial Prize for outstanding doctoral research in the EECS department of UC Berkeley.